Tuesday, January 17, 2006

.. now the magic begins

Well, today i managed to get through my medical check up for the new job. Altough that i don't actually have anything to be afraid of, but, thinking that medical results may jeopardize my chances, (even the slightest!) thus it makes me very uncomfortable. I don't want to lose whatever i already have, and failed to achieve what i planned for. I want everything to be as smooth as silk.

Back to the story, the reason why i'm so afraid of medical checkups are that i've been having this headache lately. I'm so afraid that it might be a reason for heitech not to employ me. But, i'd always pray that my job transition will be very smooth.

No blog for yesterday? Yup.. and the reason is, yesterday my uncle came to my house, bringing his friend together. Why did they come? they wanted to catch "Toyol" !!! In case that you guys don't know what the hell is toyol, toyol is actually a kind of ghost, who likes to steal other people's money. In my case, it's my family's money. They were performing some kind of religious ritual trying to catch the "toyol", but then later he said the toyol was not there. Probably they will continue again today. Can't wait for today's ritual though. Should be interesting. :)

Well, anyway, i'm still in the office. Nothing to do actually, but just hangin around enjoying my last moments in this office. Altough that this office is lack of airconditioning, the best thing is that i can do whatever i want over here. Feels like home. And also, one of my best friend is working here, thus making it more fun. The only thing that is not fun is the salary and benefits of being in the company. I'd rather take my chances outside. :)

So, that's all i got for today. Until tomorrow.. chow..

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Today i cried..

Ya.. today i cried. It's been a long time since i last cried. Why did i cried today? because of my family issue. Here's the long story..

My older sis, my mom and me planned to pin down my dad and the bitch whom we suspected that they have affair today at my dad's office in Seremban. My sister even arranged to bring the bitch's ex husband there to invoke the whole truth about the bitch. I went there earlier and drop by at my friend's house in Paroi to change some parts of my bike. Then, my mom and my dad arrives, and later my sis with the bitch's ex husband arrived.

We went inside papa's office, and my mom immediately started to quarrel with the bitch. There's whole lot of drama played by the bitch. The part that really touches my heart, is when, remember i mentioned earlier, that previously we take care of the bitch's 2 year old son? when i entered the room, he (the bitch's son) immediately run to hug me. My god, i am deeply touched (knowing that i might not able to meet him again after this :( . But, his mom's too damn bitch to be pity of. She started mumbling about nonsense things, and suddenly, the door bell rings. Here starts the real drama. The bitch's ex-husband entered the play. The bitch seems to be very unpleased with her ex-husband coming into the office. They started shouting, fighting with each other. Saying stupid things about themselves. The bitch even go hay-wire and over reacted to call the police. What a stupid yet lousy action to take, her reason to the police is that we were interrupting her? A total idiot. My dad owns the company and we do have rights to be there. As far as i'm concern, she is not!

Later when the police arrived, things started to get serious. Theres too much truth revealed when the bitch's ex husband comes and tell his side of the story. The bitch has been bitching all along with her ex husband, and at the same time got an affair with my dad! My god i am so damn pissed off. The bitch's ex husband mentioned about him reading a sms inside the bitch's phone about my dad called the bitch "sayang". My god, now i am really pissed and embarrassed. How come my dad can do such things? Since the police is already there, and we don't want to create much trouble, so i decided to cut things off. I told the bitch and her ex husband to go downstairs and we want to have our family discussion. The bitch even played a fool of me with her stupid bitchy action. I feel like killing her instantly. I want to kill her, cut her into pieces, and roll her body pieces with a dump truck, and put the remainings into the dump truck itself and throw the truck down into a cliff. Yea, that's how i feel like doing to her at that time.

Later, when there were only our family inside, i asked my dad, whether it's true or not whatever the bitch's husband said just now. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. I felt like dying. That is when my first tear came out. Later i told him, that i am very dissapointed with him. I'm greatly dissapointed with his doings. I said that, he once told me that whatever that you do in your life, family comes first. We don't have anybody else, except for our own family. Mama and kakak also cries when i told papa that. I have been listening to papa's advice since i was a small kid, and now, all that seems to be pointless. That's what i told him.

Papa keep on defending himself on this issue. I must admit, somehow, he tries to back up the bitch. He keeps on mentioning that there's nothing between them. I don't believe him however. It's all very clear, and yet he still don't want to admit. Probably he's very embarrassed of our findings.

Then, there was a silence. The kind of silence that i hate most. Then, suddenly, papa said, "let's go home". I was shocked. Later i said, "Okay, if you wanna go home, let's go home then. But i am very very dissapointed, since i didn't heard you said Sorry to mama at all!!!". Then, papa said in hard voice, "I AM SORRY". These words, however, is not sincere. I can feel it. Straight in the face of papa, i told him, that was not sincere. Immediately i grab my jacket, my helmet and gloves.. and started to wear them. I think later papa realized, that what i said is true, he started to ask an apology from mama. He hugs mama, and both of them were crying. Later, with my tears started to fall, papa hugs me, and both of us cries. I apologize from him for whatever i've done to him. Later he hugs my sis, and then, mama and i join to hug everyone in one big family reunion.

So that's how and why i cried today. Hopefully things will get better for both me and my family. Until tomorrow, chow..

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday night fever.. sigh

Hmm, saturday night. Normally, in my younger days, i won't be here at these kind of times. But now, things are totally different. I guess that's how maturity treats you.

Alone in my room, in front of my tv and notebook, on my bed.. a lot of things crossed my mind. The biggest flying issue - tomorrow. Well, i guess this is a very good time for me to explain my biggest problem of this last 2 weeks.

My problem is, we (my family) eventually finds out that my father has an affair with another woman. Omg, i felt like being struct by a lightning when i first heard the info from my mom. I didn't believe it at first, but then my mom showed me a copy of letter whereby my father mentioned that other bitch as his wife. Then later that day, when during Aidiladha, both my parents went back to our hometown and i have to stay in KL (working!!), and suddenly, when they got back, my mom hugs me crying like there's no tomorrow. And that night we (me, mom and papa) about this, and papa seems to trying to avoid my questions on his affair with that bitch. Omg i'm so pissed off, but i still managed to keep calm, thinking that i'm talking to my own dad. If he's one of my friends i would have kicked him to the floor.

How did he meet the bitch? I'll cut it short, my mom opens a nursery, and here comes this one day, this divorced bitch comes and bring her son to my mom's nursery. There was a few times where she said that she had to go outstation thus to leave her son overnight with my mom. Since my mom is a very helpful person, so she helped the bitch (hey, at that time we still didn't know that she's a bitch!!). When she sees my mom getting comfortable taking care of her son, she started to leave her son for days, and later become weeks and months. Her reason is always that she had to go for outstation. Our whole family started to pity on this young boy (2 year old) whereby his mom left him with our family for quite long period of time - even to spend hari raya with us!

My dad, well, he's the one closest to the young boy. Well, on earlier times, we know he'd care for the boy because that he's pity with the boy's condition. And to mention, that my dad runs another business in Seremban, so he'd always bring this boy to his office in seremban -- probably because he's bored of travelling alone. At later times, something started to be very fishy, as he suddenly spent a lot of time in his office. A lot of decorations has been made to the office (i know, because i'm the one who helped him created the deco designs and signboard stickers!).

Later, when we know it, that bitch quitted her previous job, and work with my dad! and we only knew it when my mom finds papa's letter mentioning that bitch as his wife. So my mom go to his office and the bitch was there! When my mom was angry to him at that time, he said that there was nothing between them, and when my sister asks whether he wants to marry that bitch, he said "most probably". I was so pissed off when i heard my sister tells me this.

Well, that's basically what's happening in my family now.. and that's what bothering me now. I am so depressed, pressured and embarrassed with what my dad has done. Now i don't really care, whether it's the bitch, or my dad, but anyone who makes my mom cries, i don't have any mercy for them. Gosh.. mentioning about this can take me whole night long. I guess i'd better stop here.

I wanna sit in my room, putting the airconditioning to the lowest temperature, and enjoys my TV, or probably a DVD. And, congratulations to me.. next week is my engagement ! :)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Brighten up

Hmm, how should i write this. Let's just say i'm in a good mood today. Not today, i should say "now". After all the bad things happen this week, at least, finally, i received a good news. I've got the job offered at Heitech Padu Berhad. Syukur alhamdulillah. I've been praying for this non-stop for couple of weeks. Every moment, i kept on praying that i will get the job offered. Finally, it's a miracle, where today is the last day i was supposed to get the news, and i was about to give up that i will never be offered the job (since the last day for the news is ending), and amazingly, during the Maghrib call for prayer (azan), the HR person from Heitech calls me and offered me the job. I felt like crying.

Now, i will need to plan my resignation from my current company. It's actually a very tedious work, but somehow i can't wait to see, or to read (through emails) my boss' impression hearing me resigning from my job. Now i don't really care about his promises anymore. Increment? no thanks, i got another job with higher pay already. I also can't wait my friend who is the same role as me previously, but offered twice the amount of salary that i got during that time (not to mention, until now!!). But unfortunately, i feel bad for all the regional people who has been helping me all these while. Hmm, it'll be very interesting for me to write a separate resignation letter to different people.

Hopefully, there won't be any problems with me signing on for the new role. Medical check-ups (this somehow worries me as i got a lot of headaches nowadays, hopefully it won't effect the medical results).

Anyway, right now, i'm still in a good mood, so dun wanna waste my time on useless things to say. I just wanna enjoy my feelings right now. Gosh, wouldn't it be great if we're always got this same kind of feeling all the time?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Impressions of Hammurabi Law

Well, here it is. I've been noticing this blogsite for years now. But eventually, only today i managaed to get myself signed in for one of the blogspace. Why is that so?

Well, eventually, i am in a very depressed situation. I got this one very old book of mine, where i've wrote inside it since i'm in form 3. I entitled that book as "The Impressions of Hammurabi Law". It was something i heard during my school years on the history subject about Julius Caesar who imposed the Hammurabi Law (if i'm not mistaken!). Well, basically, the book is all about my feelings, and my self thoughts. Nowadays, i'm just too lazy to write inside there. Plus, the pages are not much anymore. So, here comes this blogsite and i'm just trying to express myself here whether got anyone reading it or not.

Why blog? because, i dunno!! it is the closest thing to a diary, and hell no guys write diaries. So, since i'm a guy, and i don't want to write any damn diaries, that's why i created this. My ideas to this is to keep myself totally anonymous. None of you need to know who i am. All you may need to know, probably my thoughts and my feelings. If you don't wanna know any of these, then the hell with ya.. i don't even care.

For those guys who thinks i'm cute and dangerous, keep yourself away because i'm guy too.. and i'm no gay. For those girls who thinks i'm cute, hell i'm not cute neither nor macho kind of person. A typical Malaysian with non modular mind,.. yup.. that's what i am.

Guess that's all for now, let me scratch some ideas for myself first before continues to post in here. ;)